
Research Interests

Currently my research interests are stochastic processes, stochastic adaptive control, stochastic theory, mathematical statistics, the relation between statistics and control theory, mathematics of finance, manufacturing systems, control in telecommunication, epilepsy, as well as biomedicine, biostatistics, biophysics, bioinformatics and mathematics education at all levels, in particular integrating research, teaching and learning and promoting importance of good communication and good writing in math.

Research Support

2016-2019 AFOSR Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2016 Pasik-Duncan, B. IEEE Travel Grant

2014-2017 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2014-2017 ARO Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2012-2013 IEEE CSS Outreach Fund, P.I.

2012-2015 AFOSR Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2011-2015 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2010-2014 ARO Grant, Co- P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2009-2012 AFOSR Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2008-2014 NSF Grant: collaborative grant – Kansas Partnership for Graduate Fellow in K-12 Education (NSF), GK-12 Grant, Co-P.I. (with D. Lane, P.I., Civil and Environmental Engineering, S. Case, Center for Science Education, and J. Heppert, Chemistry/CEBC)

2008-2012 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2006 NSF Grant Workshop for Middle and High School Teachers and Students, San Diego 2003 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Teachers and Students, Maui, Hawaii

2005-2008 NSF Grant, Co- P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2005-2008 NSF Travel and Mentoring Grant for the Association for Women in Mathematics, Co-P.I. 

2003-2004 NSF REU supplement

2003 NSF Grant - Travel Support to the CDC in Hawaii for Graduate Students

2002-2005 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2002 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Teachers, Denver

2001-2005 NSF Travel and Mentoring Grant for the Association for Women in Mathematics

2001-2002 NASA EPSCOR, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

2001 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Students, Las Vegas

2001 NSF Grant - Workshop on Stochastic Theory and Control, University of Kansas, October 2001

2000 NSF Grant - Workshop for High School Teachers of Math and Science, Chicago 1998 Sprint Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1998-2002 Sprint Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1998-2002 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1997-1998 P.I. (funding for an international conference at the University of Southern California)

1997 Sprint Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1997 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1996-1999 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1996 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1995 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1994 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF Grant

1993-1996 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1993 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF grant

1992 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Supplement to NSF grant

1991-1993 Career Advancement Award from NSF

1991-1992 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1988-1991 NSF Grant, Co-P.I. with T. E. Duncan

1987 Summer Grant for research from University of Kansas

1982 International Research Exchange Fellowship to U.S.A.

1973-1980 Research Grant from the Polish Central Planning Committee

Bozenna Pasik-Duncan

Bozenna Pasik-Duncan

Professor, Department of Mathematics
503 Snow Hall, University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Telephone: (785) 864-5162